
“With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of hosts.”
The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites welcomes those of the lay faithful who, by special vocation, undertake to live, in the world, an evangelical life of fraternal communion with the Discalced Carmelite priests and nuns, imbued with the spirit of contemplative prayer and apostolic zeal, according to the example and teaching of the Carmelite saints.
Secular Carmelites come from all walks of life, men and women, young and old, married and single—each one trying to respond to God's call to "meditate on the Lord's law, day and night". As Secular Carmelites, we try to show God's love in our everyday lives, wherever God leads us and with the people God gives us. The Secular Carmelite Constitutions are used to help us transform into the people that God intended us to be. According to the Secular Carmelite Constitutions, a Secular Carmelite endeavors:
1. To devote a minimum of a half-hour each day to mental prayer or dedication.
2. To recite Morning and Evening Prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours, and, if possible, Night Prayer before retiring. 3. To wear the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel as a sign of one's devotion to Mary and membership in her Order.
4. To attend daily Mass if possible. 5. To honor Mary by some particular act of devotion (the Rosary is highly recommended).
6. To have an esteem for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and receive the Sacrament frequently.
7. To have an active apostolate.
8. To observe the feasts of the Order and fast on the Vigil of the following feasts: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (July 16), The Prophet Elijah (July 20), St. Therese of Lisieux (October 1), Our Holy Mother St Teresa of Jesus (October 15), All Saints of the Carmelite Order (November 14), and Our Holy Father St. John of the Cross (December 14). Abstinence on these Vigils is not obligatory.
For more information, please contact the Alhambra-area President, Stan Interrante, at (714) 996-4164 or the Membership Coordinator, Roseanna Valencia, at (323) 257-1360 or sannval@aol.com.
“Prayer is nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us.” --St. Teresa of Avila