W E L C O M E !
For livestreamed Masses, click on the preferred link below:
If you or someone you know has been evacuated or lost their home due to the fire in LA County, please call 211. They have partnered with AirBnB to provide people one week of a free stay at an AirBnB due to the fires. Below is an online application form for the free Airbnb housing on their website, too.
GoFundMe accounts for parishioners who have lost their homes... See below:
On January 8, 2025, Parishioners Jim (lector) and Hellen Raney discovered their house in Altadena had burned to the ground. They've lost not just a house but everything inside—clothes, keepsakes, and the little things that make a home feel like home. The road ahead to rebuild their lives feels overwhelming to them. Jim's brother has set up a Go-Fund Me site to help them out. Funds raised will go directly toward:
• Temporary housing and immediate living expenses.
• Replacing essential items (clothes and basic household needs
• Beginning the long process of rebuilding their lives and home.
If you can help, please click the LINK below:
Click here to donate to help JIM RANEY AND HIS FAMILY
We just found out that this family in our Parish's Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (scheduled to be baptized at the Easter Vigil) have also lost their home. Scott and Lancie and their children from Altadena had to get out of their home and did not have time to collect anything.. Here is the link to their GoFundMe page if you can help them: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-the-phillips-familys-recovery-journey
They are: JENNY, COREY, AND LILY... THE CARHARTS... THE SLAVINS... THE RAYS... THE BULGARINIS... THE HALPINS... and ANGELA MARTIN AND HER SIX CHILDREN. To read a little about each family and make a donation through GoFundMe, click on this link: https://www.micaeladarr.com/eaton-fire-relief
Or call the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Los Angeles (SVDPLA) at 1-888-552-7872 for food items, clothing, hygiene kits, etc.
To apply for federal disaster assistance or to find further resources, please click the button below:

SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY E-BLAST! If you would like to receive our e-blast to receive last-minute news, articles, a link to the weekly BULLETIN, and links to various other items of interest, click HERE. You can always unsubscribe from the bottom of the e-blast cover (Constant Contact).
To see our last twelve bulletins online, click HERE. They are available at this site as soon as they have been uploaded.

St. Therese Catholic Church
Ministered by the Discalced Carmelite Friars:
Pastor: Fr. Peter Mary Vecellio, OCDPas
Church Address:
1100 East Alhambra Road
Alhambra, California
Office (Mailing) Address:
510 North El Molino Street
Alhambra, California 91801

Under CONTACT can be found specific contact numbers for the priests, the staff, and the volunteer coordinators of our ministries and groups.
If you are unsure about where to find the topic for which you are looking, click SEARCH and then enter a keyword. All the locations where that subject is included will appear.
Under ABOUT US can be found the following topics: Parish Mission & Vision Statements * History of St. Therese Parish * Architect of St. Therese * Discalced Carmelite Friars
Under OUR PATRONESS, topics include: * Life of St. Therese of Lisieux * (Road to Sainthood) * Lives of the Parents of St. Therese * (Upcoming Canonization) and * Lives of the Sisters of St. Therese
Under REGISTER is information about registering at St.Therese Parish (including a form).
MASS AND CONFESSION TIMES (Mass/Conf) has its own link at the top of the page (Mass/Conf). Under that, there are subheadings for information about Low-Gluten Communicants.
Under SACRAMENTS, you can find information for Baptism, Funerals, First Communion, Confirmation for Youth, Confirmation for Adults, Weddings, and Anointing.of the Sick.
Under RELIGIOUS ED (Rel. Educ), you can find subheadings for the following: School of Religious Ed (children through 8th Grade); RCIA; Adult Confirmation, Youth Confirmation (High School), VIRTUS (Protecting God's Children), Adult Bible Study, and Vacation Bible School
Under the heading EVENTS, click on COMING UP for upcoming events, news, and announcements.
Under the heading MINISTRY can be found the following subjects:
Liturgical Ministries (Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, Sacristans, Music Ministry, Altar Servers)
Prayer & Devotion Ministries (Perpetual Adoration, Exposition & Benediction, Rosary Prayer Group (including information on how to say the Rosary, as well as meditations and pictures for each mystery), Legion of Mary, St. Joseph Prayer Group, First Friday Mass, Intercessors for Priests prayer group, the Order of Secular Carmelites; and the Divine Mercy Devotion);
Respect Life Ministry (Articles written by Catherine Contreras (Respect Life Coordinator); Guadalupe Pregnancy Services [GPS]; and Natural Family Planning [NFP]
Peace & Justice Ministries (Christian Service, Detention Ministry, Rosary Makers);
Retreat Ministry (Men's Retreats, Women's Retreats),
Respect Life Ministry (pro-life events)
Avila Young Adults
Cor Jesu (youth and family ministry)
Under the heading Q & A can be found various CATECHISM articles written or compiled by our staff about the Catholic Faith and Liturgy
Under MEDIA you can find several PHOTO albums containing pictures of parishioners and parish events, etc., Formed (free membership for videos, books, etc., and some of our videos)
Under PRAYERS: Basic Catholic Prayers, Rosary Prayers, Novena Prayers, Prayers Composed by Saints, and Divine Mercy Prayers
Other headings are:
BULLETINS: Download PDF versions of the Sunday bulletin from January 2011 to the present);
SUBMIT NEWS: Click on this to submit an announcement for the website
CALENDAR: This will take you to our online Google calendar of events.
CONTACT: Find the phone numbers and emails for the Friars, the staff, and the volunteer heads of organizations.
SEARCH: If you're not sure where to find the subject you're interested in, use the search link to enter a key word and finds all the areas where that subject can be found.